
Friday, June 8, 2018

Add gigabytes of storage to your MacBook the quick and easy way

You can now add gigabytes of storage to your MacBook for $9.99 and the cost of a microSD card - and no screwdrivers required.

Here's your chance - last chance in fact - to pick up a Nifty MiniDrive. And you can now grab one for the knockdown price of $9.99.

The idea behind the Nifty MiniDrive is simple yet elegant.

Pop a microSD card into the MiniDrive, and slide the MiniDrive into your MacBook's SD card slot and you're ready to rock. One the MiniDrive is in the SD card slot it's pretty much invisible.

What microSD card you choose to use is up to you. Use whatever card you have laying about the place, of you can buy a new one (the largest capacity currently available commercially is 400GB - but at around $200, that sort of storage isn't going to be cheap).

Yes, your MacBook must have an SD card slot for this trick to work (which rules out the later crop of MacBooks from Apple). And this is the reason why Nifty has slashed the price of the drive down from $29.99 in order to clear the remaining stock.

So if you want one, go grab one. But be quick, because at that price they won't be available for long.

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